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Differences between Continuous And Intemittent Wet Batch Plant

Wet batch plant is usually divided into continuous and intermittent mixing plant. But what are the differences between the continuous and intermittent mixing plant?
Continuous wet batch plant, is often applied for paving the road and floor cushion concrete material. During the working process of batching plant, Batching machine system, belt conveyor system, mixing system are in a continuous operating. Continuous wet batch plant can produce more than 300 tons -800 tons in one hour, which will need to a large number of vehicles to drive the concrete.
Intermittment concrete batching plant is often used for commodity building concrete, roady concrete, housing construction concrete, foundation pouring. In the process of mixing, due to mixing time and discharge time of mixer, batching systems, transportation systems will need to coordinate the each part of whole work, the concrete batching plant will discharge concrete, its capacity of 20-220m3.

Wet Batch Plantconcrete batching plant dubai
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